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Increased risk of breast cancer associated with long-term shift work in Canada
Objectives Long-term night work has been suggested as a risk factor for breast cancer; however, additional studies with more comprehensive methods of exposure assessment to capture the diversity of shift patterns are needed. As well, few previous studies have considered the role of hormone receptor subtype. Methods Relationships between night shift work and breast cancer were examined among 1134 breast cancer cases and 1179 controls, frequency-matched by age in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Kingston, Ontario. Self-reported lifetime occupational histories were assessed for night shift work, and hormone receptor status obtained from tumour pathology records. Results With approximately one-third of cases and controls ever...
A novel role for ezrin in breast cancer angio/lymphangiogenesis
Recent evidence suggests that tumour lymphangiogenesis promotes lymph node metastasis, a major prognostic factor for survival of breast cancer patients. However, signaling mechanisms involved in tumour-induced lymphangiogenesis remain poorly understood. The expression of ezrin, a membrane cytoskeletal crosslinker and Src substrate, correlates with poor outcome in a diversity of cancers including breast. Furthermore, ezrin is essential in experimental invasion and metastasis models of breast cancer. Ezrin acts cooperatively with Src in the regulation of the Src-induced malignant phenotype and metastasis. However, it remains unclear if ezrin plays a role in Src-induced tumour angio/lymphangiogenesis. Methods The effects of ezrin knockdown and...
A population-based validation study of the DCIS Score predicting recurrence risk in individuals treated by breast-conserving surgery alone
Validated biomarkers are needed to improve risk assessment and treatment decision-making for women with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast. The Oncotype DX® DCIS Score (DS) was shown to predict the risk of local recurrence (LR) in individuals with low-risk DCIS treated by breast-conserving surgery (BCS) alone. Our objective was to confirm these results in a larger population-based cohort of individuals. We used an established population-based cohort of individuals diagnosed with DCIS treated with BCS alone from 1994 to 2003 with validation of treatment and outcomes. Central pathology assessment excluded cases with invasive cancer, DCIS < 2 mm or positive margins. Cox model...