Integrating academic and community laboratory needs: developing a successful outreach program
Remarkably few large regional laboratory programs involving academic health centers exist in Canada. We present a model of a successful laboratory outreach program established by the Queen's University Department of Pathology (Kingston, Ontario) and its affiliated hospital laboratories. Community hospitals in small urban and semi-rural areas benefit from a diffusion of specialty expertise in laboratory medicine and technology, which enables them to increase their local testing capabilities and improve turn-around time. Testing and services of a more complex nature are referred to the academic hospitals. The result has been a steady improvement in the quality of laboratory services in the region with increased cost-effectiveness through shared services and focused economies of scale.
SenGupta SK, More D, Manley PN. Integrating Academic and Community Laboratory Needs: Developing a Successful Outreach Program. Clinical Laboratory Management Review. 11(1):33-8.